Year – 2018
Field – Real Estate, Community
Partners – GoToAndPlay (dev)
Visit – Website
Translating a physical community feeling to an online presence
Telliskivi Creative City is not just a place in Tallinn, Estonia. It is a community. The Telliskivi team came to us with a vision of reflecting this physically existing community into online world.
The overall goal was inviting all people – residents and visitors – to take part in the buzz this creative city holds on a daily basis. For us, it was much more than designing an interface – it was about creating a story, a brand, a feeling. And of course also providing a place where you could easily check all of the interesting events and happenings.
Understanding what defines Creative City
Together with the client we held a couple workshops to better understand how Loomelinnak wants to defines itself – is it a neighbourhood, a collection of buildings, a creative hub?
We interviewed several residents and collected their insights and their experiences spending their work and free time in the area.
A homepage where before there was none
On the wireframes we explored how we could combine the concepts of bringing the mood of Telliskivi Creative City, but also still be able to show that it’s a place where you can always find something happening. That’s how we ended up with the homepage with a mood video and a sidebar with upcoming events.
Another new feature would be the highlighted section for events and shops. Special events could be put into the picture and shops could request to be highlighted for a limited time.
Exploring different style approaches
When moving into the visual design we were only bound by the existing logo. Since otherwise there was no additional branding we got to work using keywords like buzz, tech, hip(ster), industrial, pulse, etc in the back of our heads and the sentence “make it look awesome” on our lips.
There’s always something to see or do
Landing onto this online community, you can see the upcoming events. You can go further and explore those happenings according to your own preferences by filtering. Our mission was to be your guide finding them but also let you explore.
A new map to guide your way
One of the things we understood early one was that a visual representation of the area would greatly help the understanding that Loomelinnak is in fact a small city by itself.
By making it an interactive map we also are able to let users search according to the building and we can show where exactly events are happening and shops are located.