Creating digital experiences that accelerate your brand recognition and grow your business. Globally.
A complete revision of Silen's web presence, brand story and visual direction. After having expanded their product line-up and having reached international reach, it was time for Silen to reconsider how they communicated. Enter DUX & friends.
Terviseportaal is the main digital gateway to people's health and medical data and services. This is the platform which brings together all health & medical related services that the Estonian public sector is offering towards the people, like doctors' prescriptions and appointments, test results and examinations, screenings etc.
How we created a not-so-boring financial well-being questionnaire in collaboration with a Tartu University research team in order to assess and enhance financial well-being for individuals and societies across sectors and countries.
Bringing branded e-commerce and visual storytelling to the forefront for these premium Estonian, handmade iglusaunas, huts and offices.
Citizen OS’s participation platform helps communities, organisations and governmental bodies create topics to gather ideas, have pro/con-discussions and collect votes all in order to come to a democratic decision. This way democracy is within reach of every individual.
Providing UX/UI design and branding/communication design through an ongoing design partnership helping Cachet become the prime gig-worker platform.
Hooli is a calendar and communication tool for elderly people. Aimed specifically towards people battling with dementia, it helps them give back their confidence through allowing control and understanding of their schedule.
A cooperation spanning 5 years, we were Ridango's UX/UI design partner, responsible for the design of their public transport ticketing platform offering on web and mobile apps.
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